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Frequently Asked Questions

Searching for something that you can’t find? 
Need some additional information?
Looking for help navigating or using our website or thinking of becoming a member?
Read through our Frequently Asked Questions.

If you still can’t find what you’re looking for or need further help, contact us using any of the details found throughout our website.

For Food & Drink Producers

How can I become a member of The Artisan Food Trail?

Providing you fit our criteria, it’s easy. Fill in the application form and we’ll respond as soon as possible as to whether or not you’re eligible.

You will need to submit details about your business, about what you do and what you think makes you a suitable member.

Once confirmed we’ll set up a ‘Starter Membership’ account for you where you’ll be able to make your membership payment online, submit your showcase page information and upload photos and logo.

How much does it cost to be a member?
We offer very competitive rates giving good value for money.  The Artisan Food Trail membership page gives you all the details.
What are the criteria for becoming a member?

The Artisan Food Trail membership application page lists our criteria.

Do you offer discounts to be included on the website?

From time to time we offer discounts/incentives on website subscriptions. The Artisan Food Trail informs our members of any offers. Sign up to our newsletter to keep up to date and to take advantage of any special offers.

Am I tied into a ‘contract’?
There is no contract. Membership is for a year (paid upfront), which you may renew for the following year. If you choose not to be on our website anymore, you need not renew. Your subscription will end after a year. There are no refunds for cancelling before the year is up. You can rejoin at any time. Simple as that.
Do you offer an online shop for producers?
Not at the moment. However, we are currently working on adding an optional store for producers. Not all small producers are set up to take orders online, when we do offer online shop facilities we won’t make it a prerequisite to have a shop, we like to make our services flexible.
Can I create my own page, myself?
No. Your page is created by The Artisan Food Trail designers, using your text and pictures to best effect. We don’t run a CMS (content managed system) site as we like to see all content before upload and use our design expertise to create a design for each producer which also follows The Artisan Food Trail style. This helps us keep the website management costs down which in turn makes it cheaper for you. Also it is one less thing for you to do when you’re running your business. Leave the worrying about picture file sizes and technical stuff to us.
How do I upload things to your website?
We don’t have a direct upload facility to our website. All text and images can be sent via email and The Artisan Food Trail design team will do it manually for you. Please notify us before sending anything.
Do I need to have a website in order to become a member?
It isn’t necessary although it is to your advantage as we can direct more traffic to your website. If you would like one we can create one for you at a cost effective price. We designed and built our own, plus others, so if you are interested, get in touch.
Social Media: Do I need to have a Facebook, Twitter etc. account to be a member?
It is not essential, but it is very useful to promote your business. Many of our members use social media as a free form of marketing. We can use your social media output to broadcast you to a much wider audience. If you want to use social media, but don’t know where to start, contact us.
I only sell my products locally and The Artisan Food Trail has nationwide coverage. Is it worthwhile me joining?
Yes. People that are looking for food and drink, local to them, visit our website. You choose the area in which you want to sell/stock your products. Our nationwide coverage doesn’t dictate that you have to be nationwide. Many of our members operate purely on a local basis.
How can I contact you?
Please see our ‘contact‘ page for full details.
Email us at:
Telephone: 0844 995 9996
I need to talk to you about your website
Contact us at
How long has The Artisan Food Trail been running?
The Artisan Food Trail started in March 2011.
How many members do you have?
The number of members changes all the time and we’re continuing to grow. You can count them all on our website, although we do also work with other food and drink business that are not listed.
Why don’t you have thousands of members when there are so many in the UK?
There are several reasons. We’re quite picky about who we work with. We generally wait for potential members to approach us rather than going on a big ‘recruitment’ drive. We believe that food and drink producers would prefer to choose us rather than being badgered into joining.
Can you get me stocked in shops?

Our focus is about building more awareness for your business which creates more demand for your products. If your products and brand are desirable and fit the bill you could hear from shops wanting to stock you.

I own/run a deli, can I join?

If you stock any of our listed members and are making many of your own products, you can become a member.

Providing you fit our criteria, it’s easy. First fill in the application form and we’ll respond letting you know whether or not you’re eligible.

You will need to submit details about your business, about what you do and what you think makes you a suitable member.

Once confirmed we’ll set up a ‘Starter Membership’ account for you where you’ll be able to make your membership payment online, submit your showcase page information and upload photos and logo.

I own/run a café, pub, restaurant, can I join?

If you use/serve any of our listed members’ products and you source the majority of your ingredients within your local area, you can join.

Providing you fit our criteria, it’s easy. First fill in the application form and we’ll respond letting you know whether or not you’re eligible.

You will need to submit details about your business, about what you do and what you think makes you a suitable member.

Once confirmed we’ll set up a ‘Starter Membership’ account for you where you’ll be able to make your membership payment online, submit your showcase page information and upload photos and logo.

I own/run a cookery school, can I join?

Providing you are based in the United Kingdom, yes you can join.

Fill in the application form and we’ll respond letting you know whether or not you’re eligible.

You will need to submit details about your business, about what you do and what you think makes you a suitable member.

Once confirmed we’ll set up a ‘Starter Membership’ account for you where you’ll be able to make your membership payment online, submit your showcase page information and upload photos and logo.

Can I send you samples of my food or drink product?

You can, if you strongly intend to become a member. Although it isn’t necessary, it will give you a head start into our Approval process.

Please make sure you contact us first before sending any samples so that we can provide you with the correct address. Also we’ll know when to expect a delivery – no one wants to discover a package with something ‘off’ inside.

Can you advise me on public liability insurance?
We’re not insurance advisers ourselves, so we have formed a partnership with an expert insurance company with experience in the food and drink sector. We can put you in touch with them. Members of The Artisan Food Trail can benefit from a discounted rate.
I’m looking for packaging, can you help?
We can to put you in touch with one of our preferred partners depending upon your requirements. Being a member of The Artisan Food Trail may entitle you to discounts.
Can you give me feedback on my food/drink products?

We receive requests regularly from food and drink producers inviting us to give our opinion and this could divert a lot of our time, so we have decided to concentrate on our members only.

How can I be featured in your newsletter?
Our newsletter focuses on our members and our own output. There will occasionally be items concerning our partners or events we’re working with.
If you are any of the above mentioned, then yes.
Is there any way you can help my business become better known?

Our activities are focused on exactly that, so by becoming a member of The Artisan Food Trail would be a good option.
The Artisan Food Trail membership page tells you more.

How do you promote your website?
Social media is one way we attract people to our website and a method that works extremely well. We get out and about too, exhibiting at trade shows and other events. We make sure that the search engine optimisation of The Artisan Food Trail website is as effective as it can be so it comes high up on internet searches and rankings.
What traffic does your website get?
These type of statistics we keep private. Our members have access to their relevant data upon request.
If I was to become a member what return on investment can you give?
The annual membership fee is relatively low and the potential for a good return is positive. Members taking advantage of our partner benefits can make considerable savings for their business, far exceeding the cost of membership.
How many sales do your members make as a result of being with The Artisan Food Trail?
We allow our members to keep this information private. As we create indirect sales for our members it is not always possible to determine exact figures.
How can I be featured in your newsletter?
Our newsletter focuses on our members and our own output. There will occasionally be items concerning our partners or events we’re working with.
If you are any of the above mentioned, then yes.
Do you list online food shops?
We only work with individuals making their own products.
Do you accept franchises?
We don’t as we concentrate on independent businesses only.
Do you accept overseas businesses as members?

Your business must be based and registered in the United Kingdom. We understand that some products (for example, tea, coffee, cacao, olive oil) are not grown in the UK but you may be a UK business selling them.

For Website Visitors

How can I contact you?
Please see our ‘contact‘ page for full details.
Email us at:
Telephone: 0844 995 9996



What happens to my personal information when I sign up for the newsletter or enter competitions?
We store all information on our secure system. We do not pass it on to third parties. If we need to do this, you will be asked on sign up/entry if you wish your details to be passed on. You will have the choice to opt out and can unsubscribe at any time using the link in the newsletter.
I know an artisan producer who should be on your site.

You can forward their details in an email to us or tell them about our site and get them to contact us.

How do I list my food show, festival or farmers' market on your website?

You can submit your information online and list it free of charge. All entries are vetted by an administrator before being included on our website.

Can I buy from producers online?
We don’t have an Artisan Food Trail shop at the moment, however it is something we will shortly be offering our members. For members who have their own online shop, their website link will direct you to this service where you can buy direct.
How do I advertise on your site?
If you wish to advertise on our website please contact us to find out about our affordable rates. We vet all potential advertisers for suitability to make sure they complement the core values of our artisan food and drink members.
How can I be featured in your newsletter?

Our newsletter focuses on our members and our own output. There will occasionally be items concerning our partners or events we’re working with.
If you are any of the above mentioned, then yes.

My local farmers’ market isn’t listed, what can I do to get it on to the site?

We’d prefer to receive all the information from the ‘horse’s mouth’ to ensure all the details are correct. If you know the organiser of the market, get them to list it for free on our website.

Can I contact any of the producers directly?

Yes of course, that’s why their contact details are on each member’s showcase page. If you want to ask them about their product, they’d be happy to help.

How long has The Artisan Food Trail been running?
The Artisan Food Trail started in March 2011.
How many members do you have?
The number of members changes all the time and we’re continuing to grow. You can count them all on our website, although we do also work with other food and drink business that are not listed.
Why don’t you have thousands of members when there are so many in the UK?

There are several reasons. We’re quite picky about who we work with. We generally wait for potential members to approach us rather than going on a big ‘recruitment’ drive. We believe that food and drink producers would prefer to choose us rather than being badgered into joining.

I own/run a deli, can I join?

If you stock any of our listed members and are making many of your own products, you can become a member.

Providing you fit our criteria, it’s easy. First fill in the application form and we’ll respond within letting you know whether or not you’re eligible.

You will need to submit details about your business, about what you do and what you think makes you a suitable member.

Once confirmed we’ll set up a ‘Starter Membership’ account for you where you’ll be able to make your membership payment online, submit your showcase page information and upload photos and logo.



I own/run a café, pub, restaurant, can I join?

If you use/serve any of our listed members’ products and you source the majority of your ingredients within your local area, you can join.

Providing you fit our criteria, it’s easy. First fill in the application form and we’ll respond letting you know whether or not you’re eligible.

You will need to submit details about your business, about what you do and what you think makes you a suitable member.

Once confirmed we’ll set up a ‘Starter Membership’ account for you where you’ll be able to make your membership payment online, submit your showcase page information and upload photos and logo.



I own/run a cookery school, can I join?

Providing you are based in the United Kingdom, yes you can join.

Fill in the application form and we’ll respond letting you know whether or not you’re eligible.

You will need to submit details about your business, about what you do and what you think makes you a suitable member.

Once confirmed we’ll set up a ‘Starter Membership’ account for you where you’ll be able to make your membership payment online, submit your showcase page information and upload photos and logo.



How do you promote your website?
Social media is one way we attract people to our website and a method that works extremely well. We get out and about too, exhibiting at trade shows and other events. We make sure that the search engine optimisation of The Artisan Food Trail website is as effective as it can be so it comes high up on internet searches and rankings.
Do you list online food shops?

We only work with individuals making their own products.

I see you run competitions, could you do this for me?

We are always interested in running competitions. For food or drink specific companies/prizes, we will run competitions with our members only.
Other products that we feel would be of interest to our visitors and have an affinity with our business will be considered. Please contact us if you are interested.



I need to talk to you about your website

Contact us at

Press, Media, Shows, Partnership & Other Enquiries

I am a member of the press and would like to make an enquiry
We welcome any press enquiries. Please refer to our ‘Media and Business Enquiries’ page for further information and enquiry form.
I am from a television/radio production company and would like to make an enquiry
We welcome any enquiries from television production companies. Please refer to our ‘Media and Business Enquiries’ page for further information and enquiry form.
I offer social media/photographic/web design/design services, how can we work together?
We are always interested in hearing from businesses. Please refer to our ‘Media and Business Enquiries’ page for further information and enquiry form.
How do I list my food show, festival or farmers' market on your website?

You can submit your information online here. All entries are vetted by an administrator before being included on our website.

How do I advertise on your site?
If you wish to advertise on our website please contact us to find out about our affordable rates. We vet all potential advertisers for suitability to make sure they complement the core values of our artisan food and drink members.
How can I be featured in your newsletter?
Our newsletter focuses on our members and our own output. There will occasionally be items concerning our partners or events we’re working with.
If you are any of the above mentioned, then yes.
I see you run competitions, could you do this for me?
We are always interested in running competitions. For food or drink specific companies/prizes, we will run competitions with our members only.
Other products that we feel would be of interest to our visitors and have an affinity with our business will be considered. Please contact us if you are interested.


I need to talk to you about your website
Contact us at
How can I contact you?
Please see our ‘contact‘ page for full details.
Email us at:
Telephone: 0844 995 9996

Sign up to recieve our newsletter

For the latest producer info, shows, markets, recipes, competitions and more each month. Please be assured that we don't sell or pass on your information to third parties.

Keep up to date with:

  • New and approved producers and produce
  • Offers, discounts, competitions and more
  • Seasonal produce and great tasting downloadable recipe ideas
  • Shows, events and markets

Newsletter Signup

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