What to do with the turkey leftovers?

What to do with the turkey leftovers?

What to do with the turkey leftovers? Many people buy a large turkey for Christmas and it is inevitable that there will be turkey leftovers no matter how many people sat at the table on the day. The thought of eating cold turkey day after day can be daunting and...
Recipe: Cranberry Sauce

Recipe: Cranberry Sauce

Recipe: Cranberry Sauce Bright red and shiny, cranberries are the very essence of Christmas. Not only do they look festive but they are the perfect accompaniment to turkey and many other meats eaten at this time. Cranberry sauce is so easy to make, there really is no...
Choosing and cooking your turkey for Christmas

Choosing and cooking your turkey for Christmas

Choosing and cooking your turkey for Christmas For most people Christmas is probably the only time they will buy a whole turkey to take centre stage on the festive table. Christmas comes but once a year, so why not invest a little more in making sure you have the best...
Recipe: Lemon Loaf Cake

Recipe: Lemon Loaf Cake

Recipe: Lemon Loaf Cake The brilliant thing about this lemon loaf cake is that you don’t have to remember to take the butter out of the fridge to soften, before you start. Also, as the cake doesn’t use the creaming method, a minimal amount of equipment is required. We...
Recipe: Kipper Pâté

Recipe: Kipper Pâté

Recipe: Kipper Pâté This kipper pâté is extremely delicious spread on to toast or crackers.Do try to get whole undyed kippers as these will give a better result. It may be fiddly taking out all of the bones but it is worth it. If you don’t like the idea of messing...

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