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Coronavirus, carrying on and thinking of you

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Coronavirus - The Artisan Food Trail

​Yes, times are uncertain at the moment with the Coronavirus situation and we’re aware that we maybe adding yet another article to everything else you’ve read about it, hence the reason for our more calming picture choice above.

We at The Artisan Food Trail are still working hard to keep the awareness up about our food and drink producer members, despite the current state of affairs.

We want to reassure you that everything is okay here and we’re managing to operate in very much the way we did before the events unfolded. Our office was never open to visitors so little to no risk of infection. As it’s just the two of us, it’s easy to now work from home. We have everything we need – the telephone line is patched through and we can pick up emails in the normal way, so if anyone needs to contact us, it’s as if nothing has changed.

We’ll be continuing to champion our members via our website and through social media and as ever, encouraging the public to support independent small food and drink producers.

It is worrying that many food events are having to be cancelled or postponed, but we understand this is for the best for our country in the long term. Of course this will have an impact on small food and drink producers but there are other ways to help keep them going. If your farm shop or delicatessen is open, use it. If not, or you’re self isolating and can’t go out, then go online and order direct from those small producers. Many sell from their own websites and you can find links through to them on the various members’ pages on The Artisan Food Trail.

Although it’s impossible to predict what the future will bring, we are taking one day at a time and never giving up. Because we appreciate that our members may need some help with their businesses at this time, we’ve given them some extra time on their annual memberships by adding 90 days free of charge.

If you’re staying indoors and looking for something to take your mind off the distressing news, how about getting creative in the kitchen? There are lots of recipes on our website to try.

As we said, we’re open for business as usual and you can follow what we’re up to on our Twitter and Facebook pages as well as our blog.

Remember, be kind, think of others, stay well and keep smiling.

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