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Shetland Seaweed Lamb

Artisan Food Trail Approved

Shetland Seaweed Lamb Artisan Food Trail Approved 1 - The Artisan Food Trail

Widely considered to be ’The Jewel in the Crown’ of Shetland Lamb, Shetland Seaweed Lamb is really quite special.
We were lucky to be sent a sample from Briggs’ Shetland Lamb and were satisfied enough to give it our Artisan Food Trail Approved status.

Firstly we can say that anyone placing an order can be confident that it arrives quickly and in good order. Ours was sent out on the Thursday and arrived by 1.00pm the next day. It was well packed with cool packs and insulated using, appropriately, wool insulating material.

Shetland Seaweed Lamb Artisan Food Trail Approved 2 - The Artisan Food Trail
The joint itself was a boned and rolled shoulder, with a good meat to fat ratio. We decided to cook it relatively slowly for around a couple of hours as this always seems to be the best method for this cut of meat.

Sitting the joint on chunks of onion, carrots and celery, to create the gravy, we cooked it simply without too many flavourings such as herbs or garlic, as we really wanted to appreciate the lamb flavour in its own right. Just a little salt and pepper sprinkled over was enough.

We allowed the meat to rest for a full half hour after removing it from the oven before carving. It was really tender and moist and the flavour exceptional.

aftapprovedArtisan Food Trail Approved
We are pleased to give this award to Briggs’ Shetland Lamb for their Shetland Seaweed Lamb
When the lamb is reared it is able to graze on the hillside with access to the seashore where it chooses to forage on the seaweed. The natural diet of good grass, herbs and of course the seaweed contribute to the sweet rich and slightly gamey flavour of the meat.

Although the lamb has fed on seaweed, don’t expect the meat to taste of such, the combination of breed and what the lamb has eaten does give a distinguished flavour, but thankfully no hint of marine life!

The texture is much finer than what you’d find in most other types of lamb, in fact there is no stringiness, the flesh being close grained but soft and succulent.

We served ours with roasted root vegetables (carrots, swede and celeriac) and crispy roast potatoes.

Shetland Seaweed Lamb Artisan Food Trail Approved 3 - The Artisan Food Trail
Photos: © childsdesign, Briggs’ Shetland Lamb

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