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Grouse earns fame for The Blackface Meat Company

Artisan Food Trail Approved

Grouse – The Blackface Meat Company 1 – The Artisan Food Trail

Eating game may no longer just be the privilege of the aristocracy, but as it is such a seasonal meat, it certainly feels like a privilege to enjoy it and with grouse, especially so. The grouse season is short, starting in August and finishing just 16 weeks later (read our article about The Glorious Twelfth).

The Blackface Meat Company based up in Dumfries, Scotland were kind enough to send us a brace of grouse to be given our full scrutiny. We enjoy game and this was a particularly special treat.

The birds arrived vacuum packed in a box with chill pouches and lots of shredded paper to keep them cool on their journey. Delivery was prompt and arrived next day after despatch.

Grouse – The Blackface Meat Company 2 – The Artisan Food Trail
The grouse are perfectly prepared to be oven ready and if you’re of a slightly squeamish nature or the uninitiated, we should warn you that the feet are left on – this is traditional.
Grouse – The Blackface Meat Company 3 – The Artisan Food Trail
Traditionally, grouse is roasted whole and served with game chips and bread sauce, which is very good, if a little too autumnal.

We chose to make ours (see recipe) more reflective of the current weather and took the summer flavours route in the form of a seasonal salad by pan frying the breasts.

aft approved logo - artisan food trailArtisan Food Trail Approved
We are pleased to give this award to The Blackface Meat Company for their Oven-Ready Grouse

What did we think of the grouse?

Grouse is termed as an organoleptic experience – is this a worthy description? We have to agree.
The meat is rich in flavour, which can be best described as a combination of duck, venison and pheasant and the texture is fine grained, succulent and meaty without being chewy.
Grouse does actually have a taste all of its own – an almost smoky flavour can be detected – it really is quite special.

Photos: © childsdesign, The Blackface Meat Company

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