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Impressing the Quality Food Awards judging panel

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Quality Food Awards judging – The Artisan Food Trail
The Quality Food Awards are renowned throughout the industry for their rigorous and stringent judging process.
The Artisan Food Trail will be travelling to the judging venue at the University of West London, to add their expertise and voice to the Quality Food Awards judging panel.

Quality Food Awards judging

The panel comprises of 200 respected food and drink experts from many food disciplines. These include photographic experts, chefs, food stylists, buyers, food producers and more. This brings the widest pool of knowledge possible to the judging sessions.

The merits of every product are debated and discussed by the judges based on these criteria: taste, flavour, texture, aroma, ingredients list, innovation, packaging, presentation and price point.
Full details of the judging process can be found on the Quality Food Awards website.

Feedback for entrants

The Quality Food Awards awards are highly regarded throughout the industry for the balance and integrity of the results. For this reason, it is the ambition of everyone who enters, to win. But what happens if a producer’s entry does not make the shortlist?

Obviously entrants are interested to know why they did not achieve selection to go on to the final stages, so feedback is shared from the judging panel.

Every entry receives feedback from the judging sessions, concentrating on how the product meets and satisfies the criteria, to help producers with their product development.

Judges feedback will be available after the awards ceremony.

Pointers for a good Quality Food Awards entry

Unlike some other food awards, it is not just about products being delicious – they need to be the best in a variety of other ways.
Clearly with all food products, the flavour is central, but texture is also often very important.
The Quality Food Awards looks at products for their innovation, quality, flavour, presentation and value for money.

Here are some things to consider when selecting/submitting products for entry:

  • Is the product truly represented by its description?
  • Give the facts about the inspiration behind a product
  • Explain the background of the product – its key qualities and any unique methods used
  • Regarding the recipe: explain any critical, creative quality processes – proving, growing, maturing, cooking format, moulding, rare breed, etc.
  • Are there any innovative or high-quality new ingredients that help to make this product outstanding?
  • Are the instructions (if applicable) accurate and easy to follow?
  • What does the packaging do for the product?
    Packaging catches the eye, helps it stand out on the shelf, says something about the product within and persuades someone to buy it
  • Does the packaging help make this a high-quality product in some way? If so, explain why
  • Producers should look long and hard, not only at the products they enter but, at every aspect from packaging to cooking. Then ask the question, do they deliver?
  • Products entered do not need to be new. Look at existing ranges that have been in place for a while. Longstanding products can often be the best choice

[Source: Quality Food Awards website]

Enter the Small Producer Quality Food Awards

At the time of this article being published, there’s still time to enter the awards as the deadline has been extend from 15th June to 6th July 2018.
To find out more about the Small Food Producer Quality Food Awards and why your should enter, read our article.

The Artisan Food Trail are looking forward to taking part on the Quality Food Awards judging panel and having the chance to offer our feedback.

Photos: © Quality Food Awards

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