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Yare Valley dressings are not just for salads

Artisan Food Trail Approved

Yare Valley Dressings 1 - Artisan Food Trail

Yare Valley Dressings are a combination of delicious Norfolk extra virgin cold pressed rapeseed oil and a variety of different, herbs, spices and seasonings.

Currently there are three to choose from, all quite different, to complement a wide range of foods; Honey & Mustard, Fiery Chilli and Norfolk Vinaigrette.

Yare Valley Oils‘ wonderfully golden rapeseed oil has a nutty taste with a particularly floral character which makes a pleasing base flavour.

aftapprovedArtisan Food Trail Approved
We are pleased to give this award to Yare Valley Oils for their Honey & Mustard Dressing, Fiery Chilli Dressing and Norfolk Vinaigrette Dressing
Honey & Mustard Dressing

The Honey and Mustard has become a favourite as it seems to go with just about everything. Our task has been to stop using it! We like the perfect balance of ingredients including cider vinegar. The honey has just the right amount of sweetness and the mustard isn’t too hot that it overpowers.

Of course it is just great drizzled over a plain old salad but it can really add to a dish and is exceptional with chicken or try dressing warm green beans with it or maybe some tuna. It also works wonders with sausages too as a glaze towards the end of cooking.


Fiery Chilli Dressing

Chilli seems to be a ubiquitous, if not essential flavour in everyone’s store cupboard these days so good job Yare Valley Oils have created a Fiery Chilli Dressing.
They’ve got it spot on too and not gone too crazy with the heat factor. It is still spicy as you’d expect but doesn’t blow your head off.

We liked the savoury and slightly smoky flavour with the merest hint of garlic which means it goes well with most things, avocado and prawns take to the flavour well as do potatoes. Make spicy wedges using the dressing to coat the potatoes before roasting.


Norfolk Vinaigrette Dressing

Every range requires a classic and here we have Norfolk Vinaigrette Dressing. According to the label the recipe was given to Yare Valley by their friend Polly.
There are a lot of herbs in this dressing which we found almost too strong for most leafy salads. It is better suited to more robust flavours that can stand up to it like tomatoes for instance which can carry off potent rosemary and thyme tones.

However we found it really comes into its own as a marinade for chicken. When the chicken is cooked the herbs are mellowed and really enhance the meat. It also slightly caramelises lending a burnished tone and rich flavour.

All the dressings can bought online from the Yare Valley Oils website or from any of these stockists.

Yare Valley Dressings 2 - Artisan Food Trail
Yare Valley Dressings 3 – Artisan Food Trail
Photos: © childsdesign, Yare Valley Oils

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Photo: © Yare Valley Oils


AFT+approved+logo+on+blue+smallWe are pleased to award Yare Valley Oils our ‘Artisan Food Trail Approved’ status for their Norfolk Honey & Mustard Dressing, Chilli Dressing and Norfolk Vinaigrette.

To find out more about Yare Valley Oils visit their page on The Artisan Food Trail here.


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