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How much pastry do I need?

Kitchen Tips & Tricks, Recipes

How much pastry do I need? - The Artisan Food Trail
Unless you are working to a specific recipe for a pie, tart or flan it’s not always easy to determine just how much shortcrust pastry is required. We can hear you asking, “how much pastry do I need?”

Although the process of making a batch of shortcrust pastry is pretty simple it’s not so straightforward trying to work out how much is needed to line a pie dish.

How do I calculate how much pastry I need?

This is definitely a cookery conundrum unless you’re someone who makes heaps of pies and tarts on a regular basis. Getting to know how far a batch of pastry will go can be rather hit and miss at the best of times.

When a recipe call for particular amount of pastry, it takes into account the weight of flour and fat plus any added water (or other liquids). This is useful up to a point but what it can’t tell you is how much it creates.

Pastry calculator

One way is to keep a record every time you make the pastry, noting what it’s made with, what you used it for and how thinly it was rolled.

Easier still, use the pastry calculator below

  • 200g flour (7oz) = 300g (10 oz) pastry
    This will cover a 600 ml (1 pint) dish, or line and cover an 18cm (7 inch) pie
  • 300g flour (10 oz) = 450g (14½ oz) pastry
    This will cover a 1.5 – 2 litre (2½ – 3½ pint) dish, or line and cover a 23cm (9 inch) pie
  • 400g flour (13 oz) = 600g (1¼lb) pastry
    This will cover a 2.5 litre (4 pint) dish, or line and cover a 30cm (12 inch) pie
How much pastry do I need? – Jam Tarts – The Artisan Food Trail

Too much pastry?

Gather together any scraps of pastry and re-roll to make tasty jam tarts.
If you’re left with rather more than a little, just wrap in clingfilm and freeze for later use.

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