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Hibiscus Lily jellies and jams for juicy lamb

Artisan Food Trail Approved

hibiscus lily pomegranate jelly with rose petals - The Artisan Food Trail
hibiscus lily pomegranate jelly- chilli jam - The Artisan Food Trail

Even the best grilled meat needs a good accompaniment, either to enhance, counterbalance or complement it. Sweet, spicy and tangy flavours are always a welcome addition, particularly the Pomegranate Jelly with Rose Petals from Hibiscus Lily.

Pomegranate Jelly with lamb

Our lamb steaks were rich and tender but were further improved with a tangy, fragrant Pomegranate Jelly with Rose Petals which we used as a glaze towards the end of the cooking time. Just add a few teaspoons to the pan and use to coat the meat before serving.
The jelly has a slight tartness and subtle perfume bringing an exotic flavour of the middle east.

We served ours with a herby tabbouleh and creamy labneh with a generous dollop of Hibiscus Lily’s gloriously sticky Hot Chilli Jam for added kick.

aftapprovedArtisan Food Trail Approved
We are pleased to give this award to
Hibiscus Lily for their Pomegranate Jelly with Rose Petals as well as their Hot Chilli Jam.
hibiscus lily pomegranate jelly with lamb - The Artisan Food Trail
Photos: © childsdesign, Hibiscus Lily

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