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New look website for The Artisan Food Trail

The Artisan Food Trail, News

Blog 1 AFT Website - The Artisan Food Trail
The Artisan Food Trail originally launched in March 2011 and since then has grown considerably as new members have joined and the digital world has moved forward.

Wanting to offer a better user experience for website visitors as well our members and to make the website responsive keeping up with current technologies, we have given it a complete overhaul.

A cleaner page layout with large images along with functional information panels helps to better showcase each food and drink producer featured on the site.
Comprehensive menus and content give detailed information on the services offered by The Artisan Food Trail and the recipe section, again, with bigger images, serves to inspire and inform.

We have also included an online application form for prospective members which will make things a lot simpler all round.

The website was designed and built by husband and wife team Graham and Lisa Childs, – both the founders of The Artisan Food Trail and owners of the design company, childsdesign.

We admit it has taken a long time to finally get the website completed and there are still some tweaks to be done and new content to be added.
Building a website from the ground up is a lengthy process (especially one as big as ours) and it’s surprising how much more you learn when doing something like this.

We are still in the process of building the members’ area and when fully functioning it will allow new members to pay for their subscriptions online and existing members can renew in the same way while getting access to exclusive content, amongst other things.

If you have already seen the new website you may have noticed that we have a shop coming soon. We’re very excited about this as visitors will finally be able to buy artisan food and drink direct from our members.

Image: © childsdesign

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